
Schneider-Kreuznach Cine Service

Schneider-Kreuznach products are well-known for quality and their durability. Also today lenses of former ranges are used in the professional area, still achieving good results.

In case a repair should be necessary or if you want to return products for some reasons (e.g. loan, wrong ordered goods,...) please contact our service team:

Fon: +49 (0) 671 601 283

In the case of questions you can also contact the specialist dealers in your area and the respective camera producers as well as our international agents. They will be also pleased to be of assistance to you. 

Please note:

  • A remote diagnosis is neither possible for the repair costs nor for the fault analysis. If necessary, we would ask you to send your lens directly to our Service address. Our estimate of costs will then inform you on the necessary measures.
  • For rejected estimates of costs we have to charge a fee of EUR 80.00 + shipping charges + import duty.


If you want to send your lens for repair please fill in and attach the covering letter repair consignment to the parcel.


If you want to return goods for some other reasons (eg. loan, wrong ordered goods,...) please fill in and attach the covering letter return consignment to the parcel. In case that you want to return a cine filter item, please kindly fill in the return form cine filters instead and include it with your mail. 

Where to send your products?