Diffusion and Mist Filters

Why use diffusion filters?

Diffusion filters soften the image of today's high-res shots and create a pleasant filmic look, without defocusing the scene. At Schneider-Kreuznach we offer four different types of diffusion and mist filters, each creating its own, unique effect.  

Most of the modern cine lenses produce high-res shots that show everything – every wrinkle, every pore. Diffusion filters smoothen fine details and add a subtle glow to highlights without making sacrifices to the overall sharpness of the image. 

Schneider-Kreuznach offers five types of diffusion and mist filters. Classic Soft® filters create a precisely controlled softness that is overlaid on a sharp, in-focus image. Black Frost® flairs highlights and tones down contrast while retaining rich blacks. Hollywood Black Magic® combines both: It is the specialist for a pleasant filmic look and produces a constant smooth halation while maintaining rich blacks and colors. Radiant Soft® is Schneider-Kreuznach's skin enhancer that tones down imperfections and gives skin a soft glow. Radiant BlackTM is the ultimate filter for all facets of portrait work, from intimate close-ups to expansive wide-angle shots. For more info, check our Factsheets below. 

All our Diffusion Filters are available in different strengths, given that both the focal length and the F-Stop affect the level of diffusion. Generally speaking, the longer the focal length and the more light on the subject the stronger is the effect of the filters. 

Hollywood Black Magic®

  • Constant smooth halation at all diffusion strengths
  • Creates a filmic look by adding a subtle glow to highlights
  • Maintains rich blacks and colors. 
  • Smoothens digital look of high- res images

Radiant Soft®

  • The multi-talented skin enhancer
  • Tones down skin imperfections 
  • Gives skin a soft glow.
  • Little effect on highlights, contrast and surroundings

Mist Filter "Black Frost®"

  • Reduces contrast for a soft overall image
  • Maintains control over flares and shadows
  • Retains rich blacks
  • Mutes colors
  • Mist Filter

Classic soft®

  • Maintains focus, adds a soft overlay
  • Keeps contrast
  • Adds soft glow to highlights
  • Blend small wrinkles and blemishes

Radiant BlackTM

  • Beautiful skin tones while keeping rich blacks
  • Virtually no halo
  • Preserves contrast
Fact Sheet

Technical Specifications

StrengthsSizesThicknessGlass Type
Hollywood Black Magic®: Plates1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 24 x 4“
4 x 5.65“
6.6 x 6.6“
4 mmWater White Precision
Optical Glass
Hollywood Black Magic®: Screw-In1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1M77, M822.7 mmWater White Precision
Optical Glass
Radiant Soft®: Plates1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 54 x 5.65“
6.6 x 6.6“
4 mmWater White Precision
Optical Glass
Radiant Soft®: Screw-In1/2, 1M77, M822.7 mmWater White Precision
Optical Glass
Black Frost®1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 14 x 5.65“4 mmWater White Precision
Optical Glass
Classic Soft®1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 14 x 5.65“
6.6 x 6.6“
4 mmWater White Precision
Optical Glass
Radiant Black™: Plates1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 24 x 5.65“
6.6 x 6.6“
4 mmWater White Precision
Optical Glass
Radiant Black™: Screw-In1/2, 1M77, M82, M952.7 mmWater White Precision
Optical Glass

Are you already familiar with our Diffusion Diamond?

Our Diffusion Diamond will help you find the right diffusion filter for your needs. All of our filters are clearly displayed and their weighting for the four main properties (softness, halation, rich black, low contrast) is shown in our Diamond. This allows you to quickly and easily select the right filter for you. So instead of worrying about which diffusion filter is right for you, use our clear display to make your decision in seconds. And if you're on the go, you can download our handy Diffusion Pocket Guide to have a decision-making aid at your fingertips.

Get your Pocket Guide "Diffusion Filter" now!

Get your Poster "Diffusion Diamond" now!

Schneider-Kreuznach Diffusion Diamond

Filters in Use

Screenshot from Video Clip without filter effect. Subject: Make-up artist at work behind the scenes and preparing a model for the shooting.

No filter

This screenshot shows two men on a bench in nature, surrounded by bushes and a small creek in the background.

No filter

Screenshot of movie scene without filter effect. Subject: Close-up of a man's face in the foreground and a woman's face in the background.

No filter

The screenshot shows a man and a women in a rather dark room with subtle lighting through two lamps and small flashlights. In the background, there is also a bouquet of red gladiolas.

No filter

The screenshot shows a man and a women in a rather dark room with subtle lighting through two lamps and small flashlights. In the background, there is also a bouquet of red gladiolas.

No filter

Filter effect Radiant BlackTM without filter_reference.jpg

No filter

Screenshot from Video Clip with diffusion filter Radiant Soft strength 2. Subject: Make-up Artist at work preparing a model for the shooting

Radiant Soft® Strength 2

Der Screenshot zeigt die beiden Männer auf der Parkbank. Der Filter Hollywood Black Magic lässt das Bild weicher, harmonischer wirken.

Hollywood Black Magic ® Strength 1

Screenshot of movie scene with Hollywood Black Magic strength 2. Subject: Close-up of a man (foreground) and a woman (background).

Hollywood Black Magic® Strength 2

Screenshot of a movie scene taken with Diffusion Filter Black Frost strength 1/8. Subject: A couple standing in a dark room with subtle lighting and a bouquet of bright red flowers in the background

Black Frost® Strength 1/8

The filter effect of Classic Soft 1/8 shows in the soft glow around the light sources and the subtle overlay on the the focused image.

Classic Soft® 1/8

Filter effect Radiant BlackTM strength 2.jpg

Radiant BlackTM 2

Hollywood Black Magic® filters in use by Ceproma S.A.

Radiant Soft filters in use by Ceproma S.A.

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